Movies similar to our genres are easier to spot being that a mystery genre typically has a plot of solving a mystery.Some noticeable camera shots in the specific movie is the use of close ups . When a film maker use close shots it makes the audience focus on that subject.One of the films i focused on was "Get Out " Produced by Jordan Pelee. A example in get out of a close up shot is when Chris face is zoomed when being hypnotized , this gives audience the ability to feel his emotions . Another camera shot Jordan Peele uses is the point of view shots . When we take the place of Chris eyes and see the Gardner running towards him . This also makes the audience focus on the gardener and have a curious mindset on what will happen next. Another aspect of this film is the use of low angles . Such as when Chris explains his concerns about him being uncomfortable and Georgina responds . This is also used to emphasize the emotions of Chris concern. However Movements in mystery genres tend to vary , However in this movie they're a lot of tracking shots. Such as when their in the car driving to their parents house . It made the audience feel as if they were driving along side of them. Another movement was the zoom as They closed into Chris face it felt as if we felt his emotions and hurt more and more.

It wasn’t many customs in the film . They were just everyday clothing and job attire . However the lighting played a significance in this film such as the darkness during the hypnotism which made us connect the dots during the hypnotism . Also the actors even tho they were plan regular people if the Maid and garner didn’t act in such way we wouldn’t have been curious of the workers. The close up of the maid showed the audience her make up which made the audience question her character. Another aspect of the film was is the props being used such as the axe or even the tea cup during the hypnotism. The setting made the movie which every different idea was in a different science which made us connect all pieces of the story together .
I love mystery movies , it keeps me on the edge of my seat . Get out especially kept me on the edge of my seat with the different camera shot tactics. Being that i learned about all the reasons why movie producers use different angles and shots it made it more easier after watching it another time . The movie became clearer as i understood the emphasize of the angles, movements , and sound and editing . However there are somethings that i dislike about this genre . I dislike how a mystery genre tends to have the same plot . I also dislike how the conventions tends to be a dark setting rather than a a sunny or lighter . Alot of mysteries happen during the day so for our project we will hopefully twist the conventions a little .
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