Over the weekend, we were supposed to finish filming. The original plan was to meet up at Damian’s house. At Damian's house is the garage that we have in our storyboard. The garage is supposed to be at the beginning of the film. The scenes at the garage are the only things that we need to film before we edit. Unfortunately, our bust schedules enabled us from filming. Kaliyah and Chad both were scheduled to work over the weekend. As for myself. I had to attend a community service opportunity for my extracurricular activity. However, when I returned home I was able to film myself getting ready. This scene included me in my room on the phone with Kaliyah and Karin.
In this part, I acted like I was trying to find an outfit to wear to a party. Then, I receive a call from Kaliyah and Karin (friends) that they are on the way to pick me up. So, throughout the scene, you will find me getting ready for the “party”. While acting, we tried to be as accurate as of the dialogue that we used in our dialogue and sound script. I would say we did a pretty good job utilizing the scripts so that we can make sure we use the exact sounds that we planned to use. Luckily, it wasn’t difficult to find the right angle. Meaning, I was able to show myself clearly. Also, I was able to get good lighting before the sunset. Once I was done, I made sure that the shots looked good enough so we can edit the next class. Hopefully, we can film our last scenes at Damian's house next weekend.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Monday, February 24, 2020
Filming Day 2!
Previously, my group mates carpooled to my house. Scenes 10-12 where filmed at my house as our second location. Moving along, we went to our next location which was Lesters diner . We called ahead to ensure that they will allow us to film inside of the diner. Luckily, they allowed us to film but we could not disturb others in the diner. So, we started to make our way towards the diner. Kaliyah drove all of us and we followed what was planned in the storyboard. Kaliyah, Karin and I remained in character and filmed us jamming in the car while we were on the way to the diner. When we arrived, Chad recorded us pulling up into the parking lot parking the car. Then Karin, Kaliyah and I proceeded to remain in character and followed the storyboard.
Once we were seated in the diner, we were asked numerous times about what we were filming. We explained to them that we were creating an opening of a movie that we created. The employees and the manager seemed very intrigued! They were all so kind to us especially our waitress. The waitress had no problem with us including her in the film and she was very understanding. Because of this, it allowed us to continue with the original plan seen in the storyboard. Chad continued to record the rest of my group mates and I were acting. We included footage of us walking in the diner to ordering our food. Eventually, we ate our food and walked outside to film the last scenes on the storyboard. The last parts on the storyboard were the kidnapping. We told the employees and manager ahead of time so that they wouldn’t believe that it was real. Thankfully, they were very understanding!

Thursday, February 20, 2020
Filming Day 1!
Before the week started, we completed our storyboard. It was good that we completed our storyboard because we were able to check out a camera to film. Our filming day was set to be on January 17, 2020. Luckily, things went to plan and we filmed on that exact date. My group members carpooled to my house. Kaliyah picked up Chad first since he lives closer to her. Then, she picked up Karin and headed to my house. Upon arrival, I set up the camera to film the getting ready part of the film. This scene was recorded in my room. Meanwhile, Chad filmed Karin and Kaliyah talking on the phone so that we can create a split screen.
When I first recorded scene 6, the ringer on my phone wasn’t working. I needed the sound to work because without it my phone will not make the ringing sounds that we included in our sound script. I decided to restart my phone to see if it would help. Surprisingly, it did help and the sound started working again. Moving forward, I had to film three takes of the same scene because the lighting wasn’t right. We were filming around 5:30-6:00 so the sun had already started to set. Eventually, I was able to capture the scene in good lighting. The next scene that we filmed at my house was when kaliyah and karin picks me up. For this scene, Chad recorded me walking out the front door of my house to the car

Thursday, February 13, 2020
Planning: Storyboard
This week we created our storyboard. Below are images of our completed story board. The story board contains the images of the scenes that we are going to do and shows what will be going on in the scene. This will help us tremendously. It will help us because it will be an easy tool to use when doing the film. We only will have to follow the story board directly as it is, which will help with the filming process. It will help in the filming process because we can just look at the story board to know what scenes that we are doing and to see if we forgot anything. This makes the story board a significant tool that aids us in making the film perfect. Also this makes us have more fun with the film because we know what we are filming and we would not stress on what we should do for the film. This helps us be able to make our film the exact way that we planned it. The story board is the most significant part of our planning process and it will help us make our film be more perfect.
Monday, February 10, 2020
Planning: Title Design
This power-point will help us remember the design more easily. We put the design in a power-point format in order to obtain the information better and to make it organized. The reason we did this is so that we can keep looking back at the text in order to either remember how we are styling our title or to make sure that we styled it in the correct way. In order for that to be the case we put all the information on how we are doing the titles and the different aspects of the title as well.
Planning Blog: Location,Participants, Health, & Schedule
This week, we decided to organize our location, participants, health and schedule. We created this by using google slides. Planning ahead is very beneficial to our group. We can always refer back to the google slides if we ever forget about the original plan we had before. Come filming day, we hope that things can run smoothly. For starters, we decided to set our location. It was easy for us to decide on how to start a film. We each came up with great ideas to start the beginning of the film in the garage. We also, researched diners to film at for the film. As the planning continues, we cannot wait to start our project.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Planning: Sound and Dialogue Script
This week, we created our dialogue/sound script for our film. We used google slides in order to create the script. In the script, you will see that each slide is title with the scene number. The information on each slide describes what is being said during the scene and the sounds that are going on. For example, we included the dialogue between the actors in the scene along with the background noises. We created the script carefully so that it can be accurate for when it's time for us to film. Creating the script will be beneficial on filming day! We will already have the plan on what the actors need to say and what sounds are going to be made. Now that we have a plan on the audio being used for the film, it makes us more excited to start the project! Hopefully, we can film less than two weeks from now.
Planning:Shooting Script
For the script we created a power-point that entails all of the scenes without the words. It shows what is going to happen in every scene and also the camera movements and angles. This power-point will be almost exactly what we are doing for the actual film. We plan to follow the script we created 100%, but we have also planned for any deterrent that may interfere for what we planned. The power-point of the script also shows the editing techniques that we plan to use for the actual film. This script is the tool that we need to help make our film a success. It will help us make our story board and also help us come up with ideas for the dialogue that will be in the scenes. Not only will it help us with the dialogue, but it will help us further illustrate our scenes on paper for the story board that we are going to do. With this power-point at our disposal, it will make planning and filming the rest of this film uncomplicated and less stressful to do. With this being the case I believe that it will make the film making process more fun and exciting instead of just something that we have to do.
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