Friday, October 25, 2019

Filming Process

In duration of the filming process, I helped carry out our props, camera, and tripod to the different shots. I also helped assist attaching the camera to the tripod. In our first scene, I took the establishing shot. For the establishing shot, I made the decision on taking the establishing shot in the senior patio. I decided to take the establishing shot in slow motion. I thought it would be a cool effect to the commercial. When I finished shooting establishing shot, I contributed an idea of taking a high shot of the flying L mural on the ground, with nestle pure life water splashing on it. I thought it would be a good idea to incorporate this shot into our commercial because it introduces how Nestle Pure life brings life to Fort Lauderdale High School. I recorded both of the shots. The tripod helped me get a higher angle for the high shot .

In addition, I played a role in the commercial. Because I am a cheerleader at my high school, we decided that I should play a role as the athlete in the commercial. During the filming process, I was dressed in my cheerleading uniform. I was directed to do cheer related things in the video as if I’m cheering at a event. Then, I would take a sip of the Nestle Pure Life water to hydrate myself. After, I would pass a bottle of nestle water to a student who seems dehydrated and needs to be refreshed. I was included in the two-shot when the student was trying the water. Lastly, I took another bottle of the water and shared it with an administrator. We used the administration to have someone represent the staff at fort lauderdale high. I would say I enjoyed playing one of the main actors in the commercial. In the end scene, I held the water expressing why you should buy Nestle Pure Life.

Finally, during the filming process I kept track of time . I had to make sure we were managing our time wisely so that we can get enough of our filming done. We were told to be back at the classroom by 10:35. So, I set a timer on my phone so that we can be back on time. Once the timer went off, I helped detach the camera to the tripod. Then, I folded the tripod down and placed it back into the bag. When we got back into the classroom, I went to a computer and turned it on so that we can start dumping. We uploaded all of our footage into the desktop so that we can edit them next class. When we were done, I checked in the camera, tripod, Sd card, and SD card reader.

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